SuperFi Records is a record label and therefore releases records. Here is what will hopefully be out before the year is out.
SCREEN WIVES - Women In Love LP ART OF BURNING WATER - Living Is For Giving, Dying Is For Getting LP PIG HEART TRANSPLANT - For Mass Consumption LP KIND EYES - It's OK, It's Not OK LP CROWS - Better Off Dead LP THE DAY MAN LOST / SUFFERINFUCK - Split 7"
Screen Wives is a totally sweet trio that make highly awkward and noisy post-hardcore stuff that is just shot through with the most amazingly catchy riffing that makes it flow while it stumbles about everywhere.
Art Of Burning Water have been going longer than your mum and "Living..." is album #5, so consider it our "Nothingface", "Through Silver In Blood" or "End Of The Century", or 20 mins of fast noise-rock.
Pig Heart Transplant is Jon from Iron Lung's noise project. With ever-shifting lineups and collaborations, this second album is 28 tracks each of which are approximately 45 seconds long whose cumulative effect will cave your head in.
Kind Eyes are another UK band, this time a guitar and drums duo making a beautifully strange and superb kind of discordant emo hardcore. Think Shotmaker, Tiny Hawks and Unwound, but with their own spin on things.
Crows are from Ireland's always fertile scene. A friend of mine said that the singer moshed through a wall when he saw them play, and that is all the recommendation I need. Seriously though, this is chunky, burly, smart, innately catchy hardcore punk.
The Day Man Lost and Sufferinfuck are two excellent fast bands from the UK. Both are thrash bordering on grind, with a real message behind the noise. Excellent people, excellent riffs.
A lot of these are co-releases with labels like De Graanrepubliek, Riot Season, City 17, Boslevan, At War With False Noise and more. They are all good people.
Isolation Tank is a duo that make that powerviolence stuff but are head and shoulders above a lot of the generic, jokey slop being churned out at the moment. Jack and Sam actually utilise discernible, catchy riffs and lots of cool time changes that keep it interesting. Think Hatred Surge and Iron Lung.
Art Of Burning Water continue their mission to annoy all and sundry with their slightly faster take on their usual off-kilter noise-rock with definite hardcore leanings, like a sped up Keelhaul partying with Motorhead. Three short ones from them also.
This is limited to 250 or so with hand stamped labels and a wraparound sleeve.
Well, it's a particularly bad moment in human history, so what better time to announce the release of the Beg self-titled LP? Originally released last year as a limited CD by Hygiene Records out of the USA, this is finally out on vinyl.
Beg is a trio making intense grind metal of the very best kind. It's hard not to mention the "supergroup" thing What with Smith from The Afternoon Gentlemen on drums and Grief from Art Of Burning Water playing guitar, but I'm going to.
Those two bands are great reference points as it's twisted and complicated whilst still being furiously fast and heavy, bringing to mind both the old and new skools of grind. Beg show it's possible to make angry music without being bone-headed, and make complex music without losing the humanity.
This is limited to 250 or so on the blackest of black vinyl with screened sleeves.
Following up their "Kingmaker" LP, the UK's Pine Barrens continue making their own take on black metallish hardcore rage which is hard to classify, but think Rorschach and Botch and you'll be close. Grinding Halt from the Netherlands unleash a longer track which combines everything they do so well, mixing all the good stuff from hardcore, punk, sludge and metal with some high pitched vocals on top. Got copies on clear and black and it has great artwork by Marald too. Wholesale and trade enquiries welcome!
Accidente - Amistad Y Rebelion LP
Akaname / Lesbian's Fungal Abyss - Split 7"
Alerta - Demo Tape
Archaic - Noise In Your Head 7"
Arrest - Demo Tape
Belgrado - Siglo XXI LP
Burning Love / Fight Amp - Split 7"
Coffinworm / Fistula - Split 7"
Crisis - Kollectiv 2xLP
Dead Elephant / Rabbits - Split 7"
Defaite - Comme Des Rats 7"
Dephosphorus / Great Falls - Split 7"
Desecrator - Subconscious Release LP
Dopefight / The Fucking Wrath - Split 7"
Dukatalon / Rites - Split 7"
Flesh World - s/t LP
Framtid - Defeat Of Civilization LP
Framtid - Under The Ashes LP
Gattaca - s/t 7"
Geranium / Finisterre - Split 7"
Great Falls - Accidents Grotesque LP
Grimpen Mire - A Plague Upon Your Houses CD
Guerra Fria - Demo Tape
House Of Lightning - Lightworker LP
Hygiene - Public Sector LP
Jungbluth - Part Ache LP
Jungbluth / Callow - Split 7"
Lahdon Aika / Frogskin - Split 7"
Limp Wrist - 18 Songs LP
Mass - s/t Tape
Mauser - Isolation LP
Mob Rules - The Donor LP
Mr Peter Hayden - We Fly High 7"
Muerte - Demo Tape
Nadir - s/t Tape
Nightstick - Rock + Roll Weymouth CD
Old Man Lizard / Earthmass - Split 7"
Perfect Pussy - I Have Lost All Desire For Feeling Tape
Pyramido / Union Of Sleep - Split 7"
Ragged Barracudas - s/t 7"
Rectal Hygienics - Cold Meat 7"
Red Right Hand - They Sang And Chanted For Hours CD
Sea Of Shit - s/t 10"
Sect - s/t LP
The Shitty Limits - Speculate / Accumulate LP
Siega - Demo Tape
Suma / Ultraphallus - Split 7"
Tellusian / The Swan King - Split 7"
Throat / Black Sun - Split 7"
Una Bestia Incontrolable - Observant Com El Mon Es Destrueix LP
Various - Incident At Ape Canyon CD
Ward - s/t LP
Whitehorse - Raised Into Darkness LP
Whitehorse - Fire To Light The Way LP
Whitehorse / Negative Standards - Split LP
Zyanose - Why There Grieve? LP
In 2014, the best punk scene in the world is in London, England, and the best band out of that scene is Good Throb. KY Ellie and the gang rage through eleven of the most acerbic punk rock cuts to be conceived in modern time, brimming over with true-life vitriol and the means to carry it out. Imagine the murderous passion of The Feederz clenched in the fists of Kleenex with a scratched-up Erase Errata picture disc jammed in a Vomit Visions sleeve and you're close to Good Throb, although there is no way to hypothesize Good Throb without truly bearing witness. Following two stunning 7" EPs, Good Throb annihilate the LP format with more tunes about moronic men, systemic misery and the many ways in which they can both get fucked. Rather than be the one to say it, I'll go ahead and wait until you hear 'Fuck Off' and consequently pronounce it the album of the year.
Newest distro stuff:
Argus - Sleeping Dogs 10"
Cloud Rat - Moksha LP
Column Of Heaven - Ecstatically Embracing... LP
Dephosphorus - Ravenous Solemnity 2xLP
Fetus Christ / Meatpacker - Split 7"
Gnod - Livebirth Tape
Mother Brain - Rise And Grind 7"
Quttinirpaaq - Let's Hang Out LP
Quttinirpaaq - No Visitors LP
Radiation - s/t 7"
Resonaut / Krakow - Split 7"
Revelation - Inner Harbors LP
Second Grave - Antithesis 10"
SFN / In Disgust - Split 7"
Skylark / Meatpacker - Split Tape
Slomatics - Estron LP
Tellusian - Collision LP
Water Torture / Corrupt Bastards - Split 7"
Water Torture / Suffering Mind - Split 7"
These two relatively youthful UK bands give me hope for the future of this little isle's scene. Sky:Lark! are a power trio making a healthy post-hardcore racket, like Shotmaker, Fugazi, Karp and the like. Heavy, twisty, weird song structures and riffing, all topped off with layers of angst. Meadows combine the slow with the fast to create a riffstorm of hardcore-tinged stoner rock that is catchy, heavy and very good for you. Hand screened covers, hand stamped labels, the works!
Newest distro stuff:
A Warm Gun - Escape 10"
Agathocles - From Grey To Black LP
American Heritage - Sedentary LP
Bismuth / Undersmile - Split LP
Callous - Mother / Sister 7"
Carne - Ville Morgue LP
Deathwank / Pissdeads - Split 7"
Disciples Of Christ - Decomposition Fantasy LP
Drugs Of Faith - Architectural Failures LP
Euglena - ???????? 10"
Friend Collector - American Demos LP
Friend Collector - FCII Tape
Gaze - s/t Tape
Genocide Pact - Demo 7"
Hexis - XI CD
Hexis - Seputus / Fatum 7"
Hexis - Abalam LP
Jotnarr - Demo Tape
Lurch - Four Songs Tape
Minors - Demo Tape
Monarch - Omens LP
Pigs - Gaffe 10"
The Psyke Project - Guillotine LP
Redwood Hill - Descender LP
Scumheads - Demo 2014 Tape
Sedem Minut Strachu / Supraphon Family - Hluk Off! 10"
Stuntman - Incorporate The Excess LP
Suffering Mind - s/t 11"
Teef - Demo Tape
Triac / Disciples Of Christ - Split LP
Waco Fuck - Eliminate Culture LP
War Wolf - Riding With Demons 10"
War Wolf - Crushing The Ways Of Old LP
Watertank - Sleepwalk LP
Workin' Man Noise Unit - The Mega Cassette Tape
Workin' Man Noise Unit - Yellow Mind 7"
Yacopsae - Krank Ist Normal 7"
Yacopsae - Tanz Grozny Tanz LP
Yacopsae / Slight Slappers split 7" & Communal Grave 2 Zine
Year Of No Light - Vampyr 2xLP
Beg - s/t CD Bomg - Polynseeds Tape Bonesaw - The Illicit Revue CD Creation VI - Connection Pulse Tape The Death Of Anna Karina / Chambers - Split LP Deicide - When Satan Lives Tape Deicide - Serpents Of The Light Tape Desecrator - Subconscious Release LP Dropdead / Ruidosa Inmundicia - Split 7" Dropdead / Systematic Death - Split 7" Esoteric Youth - The Burden Of Living 7" Family Outing - Demo Tape Gaz-66 Intrusion - Halt Tape Getcold - Winter Demo 2013 Tape Getcold - s/t Tape Gowl - Buzzbox 7" Grime - Deteriorate LP Grimpen Mire - A Plague Upon Your Houses CD Hexis - s/t LP Hexis / Redwood Hill - Split 7" Iron Lung / The Process - Split 7" Jackals - No Solution LP Magic Circle - s/t LP Monolithian - One/Zero LP Monuments Collapse / Breag Naofa - Split LP Mozergush - Fairytale Alcotrips CD Necrocannibalistic Vomitorium / Reptile - Split CD Nightstick - Rock N Roll Weymouth CD Old Skin - Maere 7" Personnel - s/t 7" Psychofagist / Napalmed - Songs Of Faint And Distortion LP Resonaut - Sky Burial LP Robanera - Meco Discordia LP Schperrung - Hvor Tape Sete Star Sept / Nut Screamer - Split 7" Swinelord - Life Is Empty 10" Throat - Manhole LP Vom - Altered States LP
54R / Pornography - Split Tape Arcanegoat - De Profundis CD Autonomia - Necrologia Discografia 2002-2006 LP Bacchus - s/t LP Blood Patrol - From Beyond And Below LP Caged Animal - s/t 7" Cara Neir - Portals To A Better, Dead World LP Cara Neir / Ramlord - Split Tape Cementerio Show / L'Amico Di Martucci - Split 7" Coke Bust - Confined LP Coke Bust - Degradation 7" Coke Bust / Vaccine - Split 7" Column Of Heaven / Radioactive Vomit - Split 7" Condenada - Mother Tongue 7" Cowards - Hoarder LP Deafest - Through Wood And Fog Tape Death Engine - Amen 10" / Tape Death Mercedes - Sans Eclat LP Elizabeth - Insomnia 7" Elizabeth - Where Vultures Land LP Foken Rotten Noise - Wastedlands CD Gag - 40 Oz Rule 7" Great Falls / Pink City - Split Tape Harrowed - Into Inferno LP Injekting Khaos - s/t LP Japanese Women - Quality Control Tape Japanese Women - The Decline of Western Civilization IV 7" Japanese Women - Order Tape Japanese Women / Kamikaze Pilots - Split Tape Naked Incise - s/t CD Narsaak - Prasina 7" Ohmu - Hive Mind CD Passiv Dödshjälp - Kollektiva Mönster LP Permanent Ruin - Mas Alla De La Muerte 7" Primates - Control Salvaje 7" Rats Blood - Punks Is Mutants 7" Seven Sisters Of Sleep / Shamans Owl - Split 10" Slave - s/t Tape Straightjacket Nation - Cheap Kicks & 6 Song EP Tape Synthetic ID - s/t 7" Various - Does It Hurt? LP (Ruidosa Inmundicia, Sotatila, Dumbstruck and more)
The #1s - Sharon Shouldn't 7" Agents Of Abhorrence - Relief LP Arctic Flowers - Reveries LP Bad American - American Dream LP Bone Sickness - Demo 7" Church Whip - s/t 7" The Coltranes - I've Got Heaven In My Smile LP The Coltranes - Visions Of Terror And Bliss / Chrisbenoit LP Druglord - Motherfucker Rising LP Full Of Hell - Roots Of Earth Are Consuming My Home LP Full Of Hell - Rudiments Of Mutilation LP Gas Rag - Human Rights 7" Gasmask Terror - Like Daggers 7" Godstopper / Tendril - Split 7" Harbour - Gwalia Deserta 7" Jesuit - Discography LP Kremlin - Drunk In The Gulag LP Lecherous Gaze - s/t LP Lecherous Gaze - On The Skids LP Moutheater - Colonial LP Moutheater - Ornament LP Nibiru - Oxygen Eater 7" No - Great Space LP Pissed Jeans - Honeys LP Radioactivity - Back To Me 7" Sectarian Violence - Upward Hostility LP Strong As Ten - Test Pressing 7" Vaaska / Impalers - Split 7" Veganslime #1 Zine
Iron Lung Netherlands and UK tour starts today! The split 7" with The Process should be available at the London gig.
14/11/13 - Groningen (NL) @ Lepel w/ Suffering Quota, The Daydream Fit
15/11/13 - Amsterdam (NL) @ OCCII w/ Grinding Halt, Blood I Bleed
16/11/13 - London @ Bradfield Youth Club w/ The Process, The Lowest Form, Semi
17/11/13 - Canterbury @ West Track Studios w/ The Lowest Form, Hello Bastards, Harrowed
18/11/13 - Bristol @ The Bank w/ Mangle, Atomck, Knifedoutofexistence
19/11/13 - Nottingham @ Chameleon w/ Endless Grinning Skulls, Moloch
20/11/13 - Preston @ The Mad Ferret w/ Mangle, Deathwank, Asahara, The Day Man Lost
21/11/13 - Leeds @ Temple Of Boom w/ Mob Rules, Perspex Flesh, The Wub
22/11/13 - Aberdeen @ The Tunnels w/ The Process, Sufferinfuck, Boak
23/11/13 - Edinburgh @ Opium w/ The Process, The Day Man Lost
New distro stuff, including a bunch on Iron Lung's very own label:
Appollonia - Blank Solstice Tape Art Of Burning Water - The Humiliation Process 7" Beg - s/t CD Bone Sickness - Alone In The Grave LP Coke Bust - Demo 7" Column Of Heaven - Holy Things Are For The Holy 7" The Day Man Lost / Prolefeed - Split 7" Diat - Everyday 7" Dresden Leningrad - Vader Tape Drose - A Voice 7" Drose / Murderedman - Split Tape Gorilla Angreb - Bedre Tider LP Hatred Surge - Human Overdose LP In Defence / Party By The Slice - Split 7" IRN - s/t Tape Lost Boys - Work Life Regret 7" Lupins - Burly Ruffs CD Megafuckers / White Shit - Split LP Needles - Desesperacion 7" Nonsun - Sun Blind Me Tape Sacridose - Anxiety Tremors 7" Society Nurse - s/t LP Tellusian - Scania 7" Up Your Bucket / Screaming Brain - Split 7"
Iron Lung / The Process - Split 7"
I'm totally honoured to be putting out the third pressing of this classic split.
This originally came out in 2007 when the two bands did a UK tour together.
It then got remastered and repressed when The Process popped over across the pond last year.
Now Iron Lung are coming back here in a couple of weeks and The Process are joining them for three of the gigs.
Sadly this is going to be the latter's last gasp, but they are working on a third album which will no doubt rule.
Those Iron Lung tourdates look like this:
14/11/13 - Groningen (NL) @ Lepel w/ Suffering Quota, The Daydream Fit
15/11/13 - Amsterdam (NL) @ OCCII w/ Grinding Halt, Blood I Bleed
16/11/13 - London @ Bradfield Youth Club w/ The Process, The Lowest Form, Semi
17/11/13 - Canterbury @ West Track Studios w/ The Lowest Form, Hello Bastards, Harrowed
18/11/13 - Bristol @ The Bank w/ Mangle, Atomck, Knifedoutofexistence
19/11/13 - Nottingham @ Chameleon w/ Endless Grinning Skulls, Moloch
20/11/13 - Preston @ The Mad Ferret w/ Mangle, Deathwank, Asahara, The Day Man Lost
21/11/13 - Leeds @ Temple Of Boom w/ Mob Rules, Perspex Flesh, The Wub
22/11/13 - Aberdeen @ The Tunnels w/ The Process, Sufferinfuck, Boak
23/11/13 - Edinburgh @ Opium w/ The Process, The Day Man Lost
Sky:Lark! / Meadows - Split 7"
These two relatively youthful UK bands give me hope for the future of this little isle's scene.
Sky:Lark! are a power trio making a healthy post-hardcore racket, like Shotmaker, Fugazi, Karp and the like. Heavy, twisty, weird song structures and riffing, all topped off with layers of angst.
Meadows combine the slow with the fast to create a riffstorm of hardcore-tinged stoner rock that is catchy, heavy and very good for you.
That should be done around mid-December, we had some trouble finding a place to press it.
Hark - Mythopoeia 7" repress
The Welsh progressive-power-sludge trio carry Taint's torch forward, passed on from their legacy that began in 1994. With fresh chops and almighty riff power, Hark continue to fuse punk attack with Sabbathian dirge, and decorate post-whatever angularities with classic rock flourish. They are doing some Euro gigs at the end of November so we are repressing the debut 7" as their first album on Season Of Mist is still in the works. This repress will look drastically different but equally awesome, being on orange vinyl with an acetate sleeve.
Those dates looks like this:
27/11/13 - Le Havre (FR) @ Tetris
28/11/13 - Besancon (FR) @ Passengers Du Zinc
29/11/13 - Oberentfelden (CH) @ Borom Pom Pom
30/11/13 - Jena (DE) @ Rosenkeller
04/12/13 - Swansea @ The Garage
12/04/14 - Roadburn Festival (NL)
Beg - s/t LP
This is so excellent and I can't wait to unleash this on the unsuspecting public. Totally intense grind metal featuring members of The Afternoon Gentlemen and Art of Burning Water, and if you try and imagine a mix of those two then you should be somewhere close. A tribute to the new and old skools. Should be out very early in 2014, if we're all alive by then.
Art Of Burning Water have a new 7" out called The Humiliation Process.
It's not a SuperFi release but we do have a bunch available.
Have a listen here:
New distro stuff: Appollonia - Blank Solstice CS Art Of Burning Water - The Humiliation Process 7" Coke Bust - Demo 7" Crucial Section - Against The Wind 7" The Day Man Lost / Prolefeed - Split 7" Dresden Leningrad - Vader CS Drose - A Voice 7" Drose / Murderedman - Split CS Gorilla Angreb - Bedre Tider LP In Defence / Party By The Slice - Split 7" IRN - s/t CS Lost Boys - Work Life Regret 7" Lost Boys / The Irradiates - Split LP Megafuckers / White Shit - Split LP Nonsun - Sun Blind Me CS Pigs - Gaffe 10" Sofy Major - Idolize LP Tellusian - Scania 7" Up Your Bucket / Screaming Brain - Split 7"
A long overdue update! I was away for a couple of weeks driving Sete Star Sept around the UK.
It was a total blast and went really well. Many thanks to those who put us on, put us up and put up with us.
I came back with some of their releases and a bunch of other things that were delivered in the meantime.
Absolutist / Link - Split LP Aderlating - Spear Of Gold And Seraphim Bone CD Alaric - s/t CD Bastard Noise - A Culture Of Monsters CD Black Boned Angel - Bliss And Void Inseparable CD Black Cop - Demo Tape Bottom Feeder - Grinding Teeth LP Despise You - West Side Horizons LP Earth - Extra Capsular Extraction CD Earth - Phase 3 Thrones And Dominions CD Earth - Pentastar In The Style Of Demons CD Easpa Measa - Free Blood 7" Ethereal Riffian - Shaman's Vision CD Final Slum War - D-Beat Noise Attack 7" Gacys Threads / Colossus Fall - Split 7" Merciless Precision / Toecutter HC - Split 7" Meth Drinker - s/t 7" Murderedman - Love In Danger LP Protestant - Antagonist 7" Sete Star Sept - Visceral Tavern LP / CD Sete Star Sept - Sacrifice LP Sete Star Sept / Noise - Split 10" Sinking Suns - Vicious World 7" Stolen Kidneys - s/t 7"
Bloomer - Back To The Shadows CS Lazarus Blackstar / Headless Kross - Split LP Mars To Stay - The Red Door 7" On Pain Of Death - Year Naught Doom CS Open Tomb - Servants Of Slow CS Slabdragger / Meadows - Split LP Sofy Major - Permission To Engage 2xLP Ten Volt Shock - Strasbourg LP
Albino Rhino - Return Of The Goddess CD Amps For Christ / Winters In Osaka - Split LP Battle Of Wolf 359 - The Death Of Affect LP Battle Of Wolf 359 / Singaia - Split 7" Curmudgeon - Amygdala LP Delos - s/t LP Dirtpill - Oil Tank Blues CD Dirtpill / Schlam - Split CD Fire To Fields - Products CD The Grand Astoria - Caesar Enters The Palace Of Doom 7" Hexis - X 7" Iron Witch - Hangover Suicide 7" Jackals - Everyday Fabric 7" June Paik - s/t LP Lich / Human Junk - Split 5" Loma Prieta - Last City LP Panzram - Reform 10" Pressor - Grave Full Of Weed CD US Christmas / The Grand Astoria - Split LP
"Kingmaker" is the debut album from Pine Barrens, following on from a very well-received demo that came out in 2010.
Pine Barrens efficiently fuse hardcore punk to black metal, among other things, to create an intense and surprisingly catchy experience.
For those that care, the band features current and ex-members of Beecher, Atavist, Extinction of Mankind, The Ergon Carousel and Hammers.
This was a real collaborative effort with the following labels, please consider buying from them too.
Those in Europe might do better buying from Art For Blind who are based in Ireland. Art For Blind Moshtache Parade Of Spectres Slow Riot
Pine Barrens LP looks set to be ready for sale tomorrow or at the weekend!
In the meantime this distro stuff just arrived:
Abigail - Welcome All Hell Fuckers CS Apparatus - Lost Demo 7" Batillus - Concrete Sustain LP Baxter Stockman - Punter LP Children Of God - We Set Fire To The Sky LP Circle - Six Day Run LP Circle - Panic LP Fell Voices - Regnum Saturni 2xLP Hebosagil - Lahto LP Highgate - Shrines To The Warhead LP Hoax - s/t LP Holy - The Age Of Collapse LP Inservibles - Una Vida De Tristeza 7" Nasa Space Universe - Across The Wounded Galaxies LP Pharoah Overlord - 3 LP Resonaut - Sky Burial LP Ruined Families - Blank Language LP Ruined Families - s/t 7" Steel Mammoth - Nuclear Rebirth LP Steel Mammoth - Radiation Funeral LP Thawed Out - s/t LP Throat - Manhole LP Traindodge - Supernatural Disasters LP Trees - Sickness In LP Vom - Altered States LP
Terrorizer Magazine have put up a stream of the Pine Barrens LP so check that out.
Give it a week or so and it will be available for order from all the labels and the band themselves.
They will have the LP with them at the Fuck The Facts gig in Manchester on 09/07/13.
New distro stuff: Amber - Lovesaken LP Godstopper - What Matters LP Limited Readership #4 Zine Neglected - Demo Tape Ommadon - III CD Ommadon - IV CD Perspex Flesh - s/t 7" Strong Boys - s/t 7" War Wolf - Riding With Demons Tape
20/06/13 - Reading @ South Street Arts Centre w/ Patchy Drizzle, Workin' Man Noise Unit, Pet Cat
21/06/13 - Leeds @ Wharf Chambers w/ Slowcoaches, Beards
22/06/13 - Norwich @ Fine City Audio w/ Jackals
23/06/13 - London @ New Cross Inn w/ Hygiene, Cop, Frau
These ones are without Good Throb:
19/06/13 - London @ Powerlunches w/ Trash Kit, Roseanne Barrr, New Weapons
24/06/13 - Canterbury @ West Track Studios w/ New Weapons, Skvader
Got some Wölfbait tapes in stock now. Excellent Irish band combining noise and doom.
They are coming to the UK soon:
14/06/13 - London @ Black Heart w/ Ommadon, Art Of Burning Water, Slow Plague
15/06/13 - Nottingham @ Stuck On A Name w/ Ommadon, Bismuth
16/06/13 - Manchester @ Kraak w/ Gnod, Wode, Roases
This is the killer debut album from the Manchester black-metal infused hardcore punk band.
It has finally been sent off to press and will hopefully be available early July.
Co-released with Art For Blind, Moshtache, Parade Of Spectres and Slow Riot with a gatefold sleeve designed by Steve Larder.
Good Throb and Art Of Burning Water will play Supernormal Festival in August '13.
Other excellent bands like Hookworms, Dethscalator, Shit & Shine and Mugstar will also be there.
Dramamine - Green Horse LP Electric Moon - Flaming Lake CS Entrapment - Crawling Morbidity CS Gigatron 2000 - The Cosmic Desert Cruise CS Kadavar - s/t LP The Lost Rivers - My Beatific Vision LP Sete Star Sept / Rotgut - Split 7" The Tidal Sleep - s/t LP The Tidal Sleep - 4 Song LP Tools Of The Trade / Compulsion To Kill - Split 7" Undersmile - Narwhal CS War Iron - The Fifth And Final Sun CS Wwhirr - Selfish Achiever CS
I'm clean out of the Good Throb 7", so many thanks for the support!
It might be getting a repress courtesy of a nice label in the States. More info on that soon.
Some nice reviews of it here, here, here, here, here and here.
They have a new 7" coming out any day now on Muscle Horse.
Pic taken at Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury on 02/11/12 by Sam Lich.
Art Of Burning Water's "This Disgrace" has had a stack of nice reviews recently.
Check them out here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
There is a 7" and some touring in the works for the summer, including the band's first jaunt to mainland Europe.
Pic taken at The Royal Oak, Ipswich on 09/11/12 by Chris Meadows (I think).
Blood I Bleed / Massgrav - Split CD Drugs Of Faith - Corroded CD Encoffination - O' Hell, Shine In Thy Whited Sepulchres CD Encoffination - Ritual Ascension Beyond Flesh CD Hellbastard - The Need To Kill CD Massgrav - Still The Kings CD Stormcrow - Enslaved In Darkness CD Terminate - Ascending To Red Heavens CD Unholy Grave - Grind Killers CD
Cyberne / Dead / Knellt - split CD Dad They Broke Me - Rot LP Dead - Idiots LP Dead - Thundaaaaah! LP Federation X - The Only Fool Is You 7" Hey Colossus - Eurogrumble Vol.1 LP Hey Colossus - Dominant Male LP Let It Die - s/t 7" Meadows - s/t CD No Fun - Bad News 7" Porkeria - La Mierda De Siempre LP Purity Control - Adjusting 7" Purity Control - Coping 7" Shels - Sea Of The Dying Dhow 2xLP Vaz - Chartreuse Bull LP Wits End / Human Hands - Split 7"
Abigail - Ultimate Unholy Death CS Abigail - Eastern Black Metal Yakuza Shirt Fuck... I'm Dead - Another Gory Mess CD Hatred Surge - Collection 2008-2009 CD The Kill - Make 'Em Suffer CD Roskopp - Mutation, Voodoo, Deformity Or Disease CD Vexilla Regis Prodeunt Inferni - s/t CS Warsore - Violent Swing 2xCD
New distro stuff: Brutal Truth - Demo 1990 CS Demisor - Grind For Life CD Dry Heaves - Medicated Youth 7" Knelt Rote - Trespass LP Sete Star Sept - Tape Collection 2012 CD
You can hear and download the whole Good Throb 7" now.
New distro stuff: Locrian - Dort Is Der Weg 7" Momentum - Whetting Occam's Razor LP Northless - Valley Of Lead 10" Protestant - Reclamation LP War Wolf - Riding With Demons 10"
Another nice Art Of Burning Water review up at Sleeping Shaman.
New distro stuff: Bastard Of The Skies - Tarnation CD Bastard Of The Skies / Catatomic - Split LP Big Eyes - Back From The Moon 7" Bloody Gears - Frozen Rain 7" Coke Bust - Degradation 7" Direct Control - s/t 7" The Ergs - Thrash Compactor 7" Government Warning - Arrested 7" Government Warning - Executed 7" Headless Kross / War Iron - Split 7" Life Trap - Solitary Confinement 7" Logic Problem - No Center 7" Sectarian Violence - s/t 7"
New distro stuff: Caretaker - Providence CD City Dweller - I Will Become Unique CS Drose - A Voice 7" Genders - Day Of Choices 7" Lackey Die - s/t 7" Night Owls - s/t 7" No Connection - Second To None 7" Noothgrush / Suppression - Split 5" Slugz - Suit And Tie 7" Utah Jazz - s/t 7" Uzi Suicide - Moshin' And Thrashin' CD
"This Disgrace" is totally ready to roll. "Love You Dead" should have the proper sleeves done by the weekend.
You could therefore say that the fourth album is out before the third, but please don't.
Saturday 12th January at The Urban Bar in London will be the "official" launch gig for these. Got Brighton the following Thursday. Come on down!
Well, 2012 was agreeably strange, here's hoping 2013 will be just as interesting!
This year we squeezed out a bunch of seven inches which was a bit easier on the wallet and didn't take up too much room.
Was an absolute honour to "work" with Grace, Good Throb, Hark, Hot Graves, Tide Of Iron and Whitehorse.
Here's what's 2013 has in store for us (probably):
Art Of Burning Water - Love You Dead LP Art Of Burning Water - This Disgrace LP
Not one but two albums will be unleashed on vinyl. These are the band's third and fourth albums.
SuperFi and Swarm Of Nails are co-releasing these, with Riot Season also helping out with "This Disgrace".
The winter tour was great fun, we got treated like kings and I think we played well.
Hark - Mythopoeia CDR
It looks like the 7" is sold out from the band and the labels, so we'll be making a CDR version for their upcoming gigs.
There will a couple of live tracks from a recent French radio session in addition to the two existing tracks.
Executive Distraction Tasks - Finished With Grind CDR
A super limited DIY release became even more limited when my share got lost in the mail.
I'll be getting the materials together soon to make a short second run available.
You can get a digital version over at Grindcore Karaoke here.
Pine Barrens / Wode - split 7" Pine Barrens - Kingmaker LP
Pine Barrens and Wode are from the Manchester area and make black-metal influenced hardcore punk that I cannot get enough of.
PB's album will also see the light of day. A big bunch of great UK labels are making that happen.
Artwork is in progress for both of these, and the songs need a bit more mastering work as far as I know.
Beg - s/t CS
This is some vicious and smart grindcore that bridges the old and new skools.
Somewhat of a supergroup, with Geith from AoBW, Smith from Afternoon Gents and Ed from At A Crawl / T.I.T.T..
This should make it to vinyl at some point too.
Lupins 12"
These guys are a totally killer power-trio from London in the classic noise-rock vein, with an emphasis on the rock there.
We were going to do a 7" with them but the songs have turned out quite long so we'll see how that goes.
Skylark / Meadows - split 7"
The UK scene is great right now, epitomised by these two youngish bands teaming up for this split.
SL make noisy, abrasive post-hardcore in a Shotmaker style while Meadows bow down to the altars of sludge and powerviolence, sometimes at the same time.
Pretty sure this is still on the cards but I don't think the songs have been written or recorded so it's a way off.
New distro additions: Abolition / Hang The Bastard - Split 7" American Heritage - Sedentary LP Endless Grinning Skulls - Fear Ignorance Control 7" Grinding Halt / Daighila - Split 7" Sete Star Sept - Vinyl Collection 2010-2012 CD
and we have a bunch of shirts (Despise You, Moss, Noothgrush) too.
I think that'll do for now. Thanks for your continued support!
Good Throb 7" is very basically nearly totally done! Just got to stamp and fold stuff, but order away!
Check out the sleeves, with sicko art by singer Ellie and meaningful collage by bassist Ash.
Art Of Burning Water went to Ireland last week and it was tiring but wonderful. Thank you Ireland.
Listen to Wolfbait, we played with them twice and they were amazing. Tape on Art For Blind imminently.
See the gigs page for the rest of the tour dates around England and Wales.
Tour version of "Love You Dead" will be available, and "This Disgrace" may well be too.
We have a gap in our tour on December 7th. Might be filled pretty soon, but if anyone can help, let me know.
Sadly City Dweller have called it a day, so the 7" we were helping out with isn't happening.
Listen to what could have been: I Will Become Unique
The Good Wife, the sporadically active but always sleazily brilliant Southampton band also seem to have kicked the bucket.
Not sure what will happen to their LP recording but hopefully something from it sees the light of day.
New distro bits: The #1s - s/t 7" Absolutist - Ave LP Burning Love - Songs For Burning Lovers Tape Carson Wells - Wonderkid LP Cloud Rat / Republic Of Dreams - Split LP Coilguns / Never Void - Split 10" Daighila - Transitions CD Drainland / Crows - Split 7" Gerda / Dead Like Me - Split LP Gymnastic Skull Whistling - Play Fast Or Don't Tape Inservibles - Triguena 7" Inservibles - s/t LP Iron Lung - Sexless / No Sex Tape Ligeia - In Death Overshadow Thee 7" Plague Rages - Eles Vivem Entre Nós 7" Planks / Lentic Waters - Split LP Sea Of Shit / Water Torture - Split 7" Sickener / Karnal Bunt - Split Tape Thawed Out - s/t LP Wooderson - Let The Man Speak LP
Just got word that the Good Throb records will finally be here early next week!
I'm going to be away in Ireland with Art Of Burning Water during the week but it should be order-able from us on 27/11/12 or so.
Speaking of AOBW, those Ireland dates are:
20/11/12 - Dublin (IE) @ Thomas House w/ Wolfbait, Fossil Angel
21/11/12 - Belfast @ Auntie Annie's w/ Comply Or Die, Cutter, Nomadic Rituals
22/11/12 - Cork (IE) @ Fred Zeppelins w/ Wolfbait, Sioraí Geimreadh
23/11/12 - Galway (IE) @ Upstairs at Roisin Dubh w/ Christians Vs Lions
There are some issues with the covers for "Love You Dead" but we'll have a tour version ready for these gigs.
"This Disgrace" won't be ready in time. Hopefully it will be for the England leg.
We have a gap in our tour on December 7th. Might be filled pretty soon, but if anyone can help, let me know.
And those last few After The Last Sky gigs are as follows:
15/11/12 - Manchester @ Wahlbar w/ Swinelord, Jacknife Holiday, Trudger, This End Here
16/11/12 - Leeds @ Wharf Chambers w/ Shoot The Bastard, Gets Worse, Nu Pogodi
17/11/12 - Birmingham @ Asylum 2 w/ Undersmile, Bastard Of The Skies, Slabdragger, Grimpen Mire & more
New distro bits: Bismuth - The Eternal Marshes Tape Comity - The Journey Is Over Now 2xLP Government Flu - Holes 7" Government Flu - Demo 7" Hatred Surge - Purgatory 7" Ken Mode - Venerable LP Meek Is Murder - Algorithms LP Plebeian Grandstand / Cortez - Split 10"
26/10/12 - Reading @ King's Walk Shopping Centre w/ Workin' Man's Noise Unit
27/10/12 - Nottingham @ JT Soar w/ Clocked Out
29/10/12 - Edinburgh @ Himalaya Centre w/ Fat Janitor
30/10/12 - Glasgow @ 13th Note w/ Lotus Fucker, Clocked Out
31/10/12 - Manchester @ Nekro Bar w/ Throwing Stuff
01/11/12 - Bradford @ 1in12 Club w/ Endless Rope
02/11/12 - Canterbury @ Marlowe Theatre w/ Sauna Youth, Cold Pumas
03/11/12 - London @ Powerlunches w/ Lotus Fucker, The Wankys
Along for the ride are stompy noisenik duo Hunger.
As is traditional, the record we are doing for them is not ready in time. Hopefully it will be soon though.
New distro bits: Horders - Fimbulvetr LP Karp - Kill All Redneck Pricks DVD Kowloon Walled City - Turk Street 10" Kowloon Walled City - Gambling On The Richter Scale LP Moloch / Closure - Split 7" No - s/t LP Urban Blight - Total War 7" Violent Reaction - s/t 7"
I am back in the UK finally! Just trying (and semi-failing) to catch up with things.
Listen to some bits from upcoming releases in the meantime!
After The Last Sky are breaking up soon sadly.
We did an LP with them back in the day. R.I.P. brothers.
Go check out one of these last gigs. Click for a larger pic.
New distro bits: Aelter - Dusk Dawn / Follow You Beloved 2xCD Dephosphorus - Night Sky Transform LP Gnaw Their Tongues - L'Arrivee... CD Gnaw Their Tongues - Per Flagellum... CD Slabdragger / Meadows - Split LP Standing On A Floor Of Bodies - Sacriligeous... LP Sutcliffe Jugend - Blue Rabbit CD Wold - Badb CD Wolvserpent - Gathering Strengths / Blood Seed 2xCD
Hello from Madagascar! I am here with work for all of September and some of October.
That means that I won't be able to send any orders out until I am back, but I am email-able if you want to reserve stuff.
Art Of Burning Water "Love You Dead" LPs are here, but we need to source the original art for the sleeves.
A UK tour is coming together for November / December, and there's a fourth album due out too.
Column Of Heaven - Mission From God LP Gas Chamber - Modern Vision Of The Erect Nightmare 7" Grace - s/t 7" Little Ease - s/t 7" Noothgrush / Suppression - Split 5" Sete Star Sept / Penis Geyser - Split 7"
Coffin Pricks - s/t 7" Dead In The Woods - The Sign Of The Son Of Man LP Noothgrush - s/t CD/LP Pigs - You Ruin Everything LP Sufferinfuck / Mangle - Split 7"
Ex. Taint frontman Jimbob Isaac returns with his new unit Hark. Their debut seven inch 'Mythopoeia' is released on July 30th, through the Destructure/SuperFi labels.
The Welsh progressive-power-sludge trio carry Taint's torch forward, passed on from their legacy that began in 1994.
With fresh chops and almighty riff power, Hark continue to fuse punk attack with Sabbathian dirge, and decorate post-whatever angularities with classic rock flourish.
While Isaac's vocals expand on his tried and tested palette, his lyrics continue to shatter prose with bleak metaphor and acerbic spittle.
Former Whyteleaf rhythm section Nikolai Ribnikov and Simon Bonwick, the Hark engine, bring an OCD approach to song craft, and endlessly creative pummel.
Their dynamic chops, and blood lust for riffs meld with Isaac's honed and equally determined musical vision.
'Mythopoeia' is strictly limited to 300 copies. Each sleeve is lovingly hand screened, and numbered by Jimbob, who is also the creator of the suitably crushing artwork.
With plans for recording their debut full length at the end of the year, Hark will be making every effort in 2013 to make a mark as slab-like as their logo.
Listen to the two tracks here and see more info at the release page. I will have inserts by the weekend and will be sending out orders then.
Redid the website a little bit. Whitehorse / Hot Graves 7" out now. Hark 7" out soon. Art Of Burning Water - Love You Dead LP out soon after that.
More in-depth content coming soon.